Who are we?
Cap and Hare Homebrew Club is a homebrew club registered with the American Homebrewers Association. We are registered as a not-for-profit 501(c)(7) corporation for social and recreational purposes.
What do we do?
Our activities include: promoting the hobby of homebrewing within the community, educating members and the general public about homebrewing and the science of zymurgy, sharing brewing experiences and results among members, coordinating competitions and functions for members, sponsoring open competition within the area, and establishing friendly relationships with similar organizations throughout the DFW Metroplex and beyond.
We hold monthly meetings that feature presentations about brewing beer, with occasional discussions about making cider, mead, or wine. Members and guests are encouraged to bring samples of their own homebrew to the meeting to share with others. Our meetings are a great place to socialize with others with an interest in homebrewing, while also learning how to begin or improve your own homebrewing.
Be sure to also bring a spare bottle of homebrewed beer, cider, or mead to the meeting to enter our monthly Masterbrewer Homebrew Competition. Every entry is judged by two judges, one of whom may be the owner or lead brewer of a local brewery. All entries receive feedback on how to improve their beer. Prizes in the form of beer and brewery swag are provided by the month’s sponsor brewery for the best three entries, and points accumulate through the year for the much coveted Masterbrewer of the Year.
In addition to our monthly meetings, we gather together for a happy hour every month along with other special events and social opportunities. Our “Big Brews” provide an opportunity to help brew on a big system (about 50 gallons). Frequent competitions provide opportunities to receive feedback on your homebrew and to judge the homebrew of others. So many opportunities to socialize and to learn.
To sum up…
We brew beer. We drink what we brew. We learn how to brew better beer. And we socialize with others who also brew beer.